Passive voice in German

Passive voice in German

The passive voice in German Part one, the “Vorgangspassiv” also called “weden-Passiv” A very important fact: In some books and also in some courses they talk about the passive voice in German, as if there were only one passive, which is a...

Passed German exams

Here you can read some testimonials of students those who have passed official German exams. The publication of the certificates is fully authorised.   Luis Carlos Melero (B1 exam passed) Profession: Counsellor for Labour, Migration and Social Security at the...

Goethe B2 or Telc B2. Which exam is easier?

In my opinion Telc B2 is much easier: The verbal exam, the first part the presentation is easier. The third part of the verbal exam is also relatively easy. The writing, the writing is also easier. Leseverstehen 3 is also quite easy. but there is one part which is...

German Intensive Course B2

The German  intensive course B2  can start at any time of the year and can be taught individually or in small groups. For more information, please use the contact form What is a B2 level? Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract...


Presentation video Order of languages spoken in the video: German: Minute 0-1:30 English: 1:30-2:55 Spanish: 2:56-4:35   About me Hello! My name is Aleksandra, I am a German and Spanish teacher. I speak German as a native speaker and I am fluent in several...